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Join us, Tanzanian-Style

Invitation from Eric Soard

March 30th, 2021


“My education has not just been about benefiting myself, but it has been about helping the community -- especially the most vulnerable or those who cannot help themselves.”


That statement from Vincent, a Wesley College Theology student, inspires me.  Vincent’s words tell me that Wesley College is achieving our mission. We’re forming more servant leaders for whom education is not just a means to improve their own lives, but a way to bring others along.


Clearly, the foundation for Wesley College is laid. Our task now is to scale up, expand programs, and transform more students. With this in mind, I have a special invitation for you.


Please join our April 2021 HARAMBE, a traditional Tanzanian-style fundraising event:


In Swahili, ‘harambe’ (hah-rum-bae) means coming together. It’s also a traditional time of singing, dancing, and contributing to a community goal. It’s a joyful time of celebration when participants see the effect of many people coming together – and how they can have a big impact.


During my years in Tanzania, I attended many harambes. I’m excited to announce our first-ever Wesley College HARAMBE. Together, we will be celebrating what the college has achieved as well what is to come.


There are four components to our HARAMBE. You can join us to learn, pray, give, and celebrate! HARAMBE will culminate with a virtual Live Event on Sunday, April 25th at 3pm CT.  I really hope you will join us online then and travel – virtually – to Tanzania.


Together, we can bring higher education to students like Vincent, who said: “Before coming to Wesley College, I was a very different person….My studies have changed my life.”


Learn more about Harambe

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