Veronica's Story
Helping women physically and spiritually
Veronica always has had a passion for education. After secondary school, Veronica joined a teacher’s college and received her diploma in education. As a fantastic leader, she loved working in the primary school with the students. However- she felt like something was missing. She began focusing on where God was calling her and her path forward.
One day a pastor from the US preached at Tarime United Methodist Church. Rev. John Windell and Rev. Eric Soard showed the link of ministry and higher education at Wesley College. Windell’s message encouraged them to pay attention to where God was leading and to not be afraid to follow God’s call. During the service, Veronica solidified her desire to join together her call to ministry and education. The next step was Wesley College!

Before college
Veronica at Wesley College
Veronica graduated in 2020 with a diploma in Theology. Veronica thrived in her theology classes and accredits her current,practical knowledge to Wesley College. Veronica embodies the concept of putting theology into practice.
“I am so so thankful for my time at Wesley College. I am proud when someone asks me ‘how do you know so much about theology?’ I am proud to say ‘I went to school for it – at WESLEY COLLEGE.”
Veronica also served in student government, where she learned about leadership for larger groups. This has proved fruitful for her leadership role as Co-Director at Wesley House.
Veronica after Graduation
After graduating, Veronica began working for Wesley House and is currently the Co-Director and the Womens’ Ministry Coordinator.
Wesley House, in Tarime, is an intentional, Christian community where young adults of multiple nationalities are brought together to live out a life of relational, servant leadership. Members of the community come from Tanzania, the US, and one from Mexico. Members typically stay for 6 months - but some have stayed close to two years.
Veronica shares that "we live like a big family, like brothers and sisters, learning new things, new ideas from each other and embracing our differences.”
The goal of Wesley House is to encourage community members to live out a daily rhythm of Christian living and faithful spiritual growth while loving and serving their neighbors. Over the last two years this has resulted in daily discipleship through nightly worship services, the planting of 8 house churches around Tarime, and support of local ministries such as Emmanuel Center for Women and Children and Our Father’s House - a street children’s ministry.
"My greatest joy is having a team here at Wesley house that work together and have similar intentions about loving our neighbors and helping them come closer to God and also making disciples."
Veronica’s daily routine involves building intentional relationships. She does this through daily worship with those at the house followed by chores that foster relationships. Veronica also intentionally seeks out relationships with women in the Tarime community. She listens to their needs, reassures them of God’s love for them while also providing any physical needs for entrepreneurial goals.
“I hope that the Wesley House members will be an example of what it means to be a servant leader and to be a voice in their community– especially the Tanzanian members.”
Veronica truly represents an example of becoming a servant leader in the Tarime community–and through her leadership roles– fosters others to become future leaders in their own communities.
“I hope Wesley House may continue to be the source of knowledge, hope, joy, and peace around our neighborhood. That people may learn from us what it’s like being a follower of Jesus Christ.”
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