Oscar elikana
“I was born a teacher, I am a teacher, and I will die a teacher.”

Before joining Wesley College in early 2020, Oscar Balandya Elikana had been an educator for the past 28 years.
He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Theology and a Master’s of Education. Currently, he is a candidate for a Master’s in Bible and Theology at Worldwide Evangelical Seminary. Now a faculty member in Wesley College’s Theology Department, he has held many titles at multiple educational and church-related institutions, throughout his career: including Classroom Teacher, Head of School, Discipline Master, and Vice-Chair of Evangelism and Mission. He says, "I was born a teacher, I am a teacher, and I will die a teacher."
We talked to him recently and this is what he told us:
Why is Wesley College important?
The mission of Wesley College is to build the community, but the goal beyond that is to build a distinct community of faith. The community we are building will depend on God faithfully. My goal is to teach people to come back to the original purpose of God.
Wesley College students come from different parts of Tanzania and different tribes. We have more and more students from other countries within the East African region, including Kenya. In the theology department, I am challenging students to change their attitudes and their visions. When students are educated, they can work in other countries. They can go anywhere! The application of their educations can be very, very broad. Through the theology department, we are trying to build up the Kingdom.
Wesley College is a community of faith. We are teaching students to become professionally-trained and ethical.
I look at this college as a light, not only within Tanzania but in Africa as a whole. Students from Wesley College will be seen as models in their societies.
Why should American people support Wesley College?
We know that this is a college with a different approach. We are imparting the right knowledge, to the right students, at the right time. We pray that American people will help Wesley College to prosper. And we continue to pray for the well-wishers of Wesley College in the USA – in particular that God may grant you grace.
Read about more Wesley College staff members.