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Joshua's story

Going where God leads

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Joshua was born into a Christian family in northern Kenya. His grandmother was a Sunday School teacher, and when Joshua was eight years old, he began to read scriptures at church. Soon he began to dream of becoming a pastor.


Growing up, Joshua and his family lived in an area prone to drought, and raising food was difficult. Every day Joshua, his mother and his older brother walked 15 miles round-trip with cows, sheep, goats and donkeys to a natural well. After the livestock quenched their thirst, they would fill the water containers and load them on the donkeys.  If all went well they would return home at 7 or 8pm at night.


Stories of Joshua’s growing up years include tales of livestock dying from lack of food and attacking raids by neighboring tribes. But, although life was tough, he remembers many loving and sacrificial acts by his mother. And his father instilled a great love of education in his children.  He made sure that each of them attended primary school, secondary school and even some college.


Despite his parents’ great sacrifices to pay tuition, Joshua had to drop out of school for four years when the money ran out. He got by doing petty jobs like cleaning houses and cars -- anything to earn money. Over time, he enrolled in a few different institutes and colleges, but always lacked the funds to complete the programs.


In 2012, Joshua joined the United Methodist Church in Kenya, and he helped start a UMC congregation in a village near home.  In six months the church had grown to 60 members, and Joshua moved up from lay leader to lead pastor.


Through the Conference secretary, Joshua heard about Wesley College. He was still longing to complete his education, and he was granted a scholarship. When he enrolled, he looked forward to finding a mentor who would challenge and guide him. He didn’t expect to find other students looking up to him and becoming  a mentor to others. At first, this was a difficult role, but gradually he has come to accept it. He has been elected General Secretary by his fellow students and he appreciates the trust they have in him.


In five or ten years, Joshua would like to be a missionary teacher. Here is what Joshua says about Wesley College:


“The college gives you every resource you need to develop as God wants and intends you to be. It provides an environment where you can study. It is a Christian school, but all faiths are welcome. It does not discriminate against anyone.  My prayer is that in a few years Wesley College has developed and expanded.”


Meanwhile, Joshua says he will continue to go where God leads.


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