Theology Program
First and foremost, Wesley College was founded to shape Spirit-empowered lay and clergy leaders who will transform others, their communities, and their society. In addition to receiving an academic education, theology students are formed as spiritual leaders through daily prayer, worship, and weekly chapel. The College engages pastors from around the area and from different denominations, to lead chapel and provide teaching in the application of scripture to life and leadership.

In all of our programs, we are committed to hands-on experiences. Consequently, all theology students are assigned to host churches where they worship on Sundays and where they are regularly invited to teach Sunday School, preach, and learn more about leadership of the church.
Many Wesley theology students are already front-line church leaders, planting and leading churches in villages and poor urban areas. Many have heard the call to ministry, but have received no formal training. Many have not yet completed secondary education. At Wesley, we invite these students to enroll in our pre-diploma course, which includes one year of intensive English, adult education, and basic study skills. Wesley ensures a nurturing setting designed to form mature pastors and help them more fully discern their callings.
Although not formally trained, they have been facing challenges of cultural change, the complexity of globalization, and a massive lack of resources.
Learn about other Wesley College programs:
Community Development Program.